Thursday, November 29, 2012


“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.” 

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Philosopher & Writer 

I work out. A lot. And I love it. And you know that. 
I get tons of emails from you people, mainly girls, asking me what to do. You guys want to know what is my workout regime. So for all of you who are interested, here it is. This is my current drill. This is what my days look like. This is my life. 

Firstly, let me explain you what I’m currently working on. The most important for me right now is to lean out without losing muscle mass, possibly even to gain some strength. Not an easy combination, but not an impossible one either. 

I do 3 strength-training sessions a week. In every workout session, I train the whole body with focus on functional moves that target large muscle groups. I don’t really do much of isolated moves like biceps curls. My strength trainings are on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I spend in the gym about an hour and a half. For every exercise with weights I do 3 sets per 8-12 reps. If I am able to do 12 reps in all 3 sets in two weeks in a row I increase the weight. For the body weight moves, like push-ups, I do 3 sets when I go to failure, but every time I must do at least one more. This is how you get your strength. I write my whole training down. Everything. The weights and the repetitions. That’s the only way to track your progress down. Otherwise you could be stuck in a place with no progress without even noticing. I change my routines about every 3-4 months. 

Push-ups (to failure) 
Chin-ups (to failure) 
Inverted rows (to failure) 
Single leg deadlifts 
Upright shoulders rows 
Cable pulls for inner thighs 
Cable pulls for outer thighs 
Abs (just a random freestyle of whatever I feel like doing) 

Triceps dips (to failure) 
Bent over row 
Sumo squats 
Hyperextensions (with weight) 
Overhead press 

Triceps dips 
Lat pull-downs 
Bent over dumbbell rear delt raise 
Kettlebell swings 
Lateral shoulder raises 

I do fasted cardio 4 times per week. I do 5-6km each time, either slow run, or fast inclined walk. 

High protein diet. Very strict. I mean, really really strict. About 80% of my diet consists of protein and vegetables. Lean chicken, turkey, beef, pork, fish, eggs, cottage, low to medium GI vegetables, nuts. I have maximum of 1 piece of fruit in a week and that is always right after my strength training. After my weights I have also ½ potato or 1-2 spoons of rice. I drink water, unsweetened herbal tea or green tea and coffee with milk. I rarely have a cheat day. Actually, at this point I basically don’t. I don’t crave sugar at all. This is a habit and once you stop eating sweets it disappears. I know my diet sounds maybe little to extreme to some people but this is what works for me (I’m insulin resistant). I don’t feel weak nor sleepy or heavy, I have a lot of energy and I’m not hungry as I eat a lot of protein.


And now the last thing I wanted to mention. I NEVER skip workouts. NEVER. 

Does it sound like a lot to you? Maybe to some of you. But trust me, it is not that difficult. We are the creatures of habit. I have an idea in my head, a picture. And I’ll do everything and little more to get to this picture. 

If you want to have something you never had, you must do something you never did. 


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