Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's never too late to start!

"No citizen has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training.... What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Socrates

Sometimes I get utterly shocked when I hear what people are capable of doing in order to get “the perfect body” with minimum physical effort. I often hear girls complaining about their wobbly legs, loose tummies, shapeless butts and those extra kilos of course. But you would be stunned to hear all the sorts of crazy solutions they come up with to fix this. Starting with dieting drinks, dieting pills, meal replacements (often full of sugar), “magic” bracelets, super-duper machines that work your abs without you actually working out, let alone bulimia, anorexia and of course the plastic surgery. I once read an article about a man who is supposedly trying to put on weight (fat that is) just to qualify to get the gastric surgery. Wow! So he is stuffing himself with doughnuts and fries and risking that his heart will fail rather than eating less and moving more. OK, also a solution. In Slovakia we say that “Everyone is a creator of their happiness”. But it makes me wonder – Why people choose to pay money (lots of money) and sometimes even risk their health if they can achieve so much for free? Why to pay thousands for butt implants or liposuction instead of joining the gym and getting the sexy butt or the flat tummy yourself? I will never understand. Not everyone is the same. We come in different shapes and sizes and that is the beauty of life. Life would be boring if we all were perfect and the word “perfect” would have lost its meaning. And what is “perfect” anyway? We can’t all look the same and we should love what we were given. And we should all care for our bodies. So when I hear girls talking about which diet pills work the best while they sit in front of TV for most of the time or when I see people who call the elevator just to go one floor up and then complain about their weight I feel like I want to wake up because it feels like bad dream to me. We were given this perfect body, this complicated and very complexed machine and we’ve abandoned it. Such a shame! Instead of loving it and caring for it many of us choose to ignore it and even risk their health in favour for easy fix. Easy fixes don’t work! Exercise and balanced diet are the only long term solutions. Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now. It's never too late for change!

Take care of your body. Is the only place you have to live in. 
Have a fit day!

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